Message from the Dean of the Faculty to those wishing to apply for this course
This is the Century of the Environment
Here in Japan, we have faced serious environmental problems in the past. (The four most serious examples of illnesses caused by pollution in our country are the Kumamoto Minamata disease, Niigata Minamata disease, Yokkaichi asthma, and Itai-itai disease.) Thus, everyone is well aware that we cannot prioritize industrial development alone if we want to survive. The world faces increasingly serious environmental challenges caused by environmental pollution, depletion of natural resources, and rapid population increase.
Protection of the Environment is Steadily Becoming a Business
Under these circumstances, just as the manufacturing industry has evolved over time, environmental conservation itself is steadily developing into a major industry. Environmental conservation is big business. One example that readily springs to the mind is the expansion of the natural energy sector, for example, solar electricity. In recent years, growing numbers of businesses have begun specializing in carbon offsets structures, where greenhouse gas emissions are traded against activities such as forest conservation and clean energy projects. In this way, we are moving into an age in which the environment itself is becoming a focus for business.
Student Education and Future Prospects
Our faculty’s basic idea is to provide our students hands-on expertise in tackling environmental problems and then send them out into society. There, our graduates can help foster symbiosis between nature and humanity, and contribute to the creation of a recycling-oriented society. For this purpose, we educate our students in observation, surveying, analysis, forecasting, and management of the environment—a whole suite of skills that enables our graduates to take their place as professionals in the society.
In which industries and businesses do our graduates find employment after their studies? Let us take a look at a few examples of environmental areas where our graduates find careers.
●Environmental surveying consultants: Surveying and evaluating the environment and formulating conservation plans
●Plant planning and construction: Planning and constructing facilities and equipment with environmental conservation as an integral factor
●Public administration: Working as civil services in local communities to formulate policy for environmental conservation.
In addition, many of our graduates are actively making strides in companies whose main focuses lie outside environmental conservation. They find that the problem-solving skills they learned here are a major asset for their progress in the corporate world.